transfer chargesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. The streamers transfer charge between the leaders and toroid to nearby space charge regions.
  2. A Land Transfer Charge applies under the NSW State Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2010.
  3. Water splitting can transfer charges, but not be able to avoid corrosion for long term stability.
  4. He is now awaiting sentencing on the illegal money-transfer charge and could face up to 10 years in prison.
  5. A Redirection of Transfer charge is included in bank charges and are only required on specific transfer occasions only.


  1. "transfer chamber"の例文
  2. "transfer channel"の例文
  3. "transfer characteristic"の例文
  4. "transfer characteristics"の例文
  5. "transfer charge"の例文
  6. "transfer check"の例文
  7. "transfer circuit"の例文
  8. "transfer clause"の例文
  9. "transfer coating"の例文
  10. "transfer coding"の例文
  11. "transfer characteristics"の例文
  12. "transfer charge"の例文
  13. "transfer check"の例文
  14. "transfer circuit"の例文

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